Marine Works
Technical inspection and advisory services for civel works
The world is developing and changing rapidly with new requirements in the fields of connectivity, environmental protection and energy consumption and generation. More performing and sometimes new types of infrastructure projects are launched such as offshore wind farms and Innovative projects for (inter)tidal energy generation. At the same time new types of partnerships such as PPP structures take shape involving more parties and adding to the complexity of construction projects. DBFM setups make contractors enter into maintenance schemes. Construction continues challenging its stakeholders.
We understand and share these challenges for large infrastructure projects and the impact of technical choices on quality, budget and planning. Since 80 years our team supports public and private clients (including global reinsurance companies) and their partnerships in their innovative projects in civil works. Our expertise and independency have made us a trusted partner for their projects worldwide. We have been at the forefront to support and secure innovative ideas such as offshore wind farms, development of brownfields, containment of waste dumps…
Not surprising. We cover a wide range of technical fields in civil works:
- Structural engineering (general structure)
- Soil dynamics
- Seismic engineering
- Electromechanical equipment
- Steel constructions
- Safety coordination
- Fire safety
- Risk assessment
- Design review
- Bid support
- Quick scan
- Technical inspection (design and execution) – IDI
- Technical inspection (design and execution)
- Technical advisory
- Technical audit subcontractors
- Project management support
- Value engineering
- Post-event structural safety
- Maintenance management
- Life cycle analysis
Maintenance of infrastructure and industrial facilities
DBFM-setups require new approaches of what was once considered as a “fixed” asset. Performance of maintenance operations is challenging design teams to take into account life cycle cost and maintenance itself must be organized in the most efficient way. Also maintenance of traditional structural elements such as industrial halls, steel structures, tanks, silos… is becoming an integral part of industrial property management.
Through expert reviews, carried out on over 500 constructions per year, we are familiar with issues of wear and corrosion of concrete and steel elements in industrial environments. Based on international standards, we have developed a model that allows to assess the condition of constructions in a systematic and repetitive manner, classifying disorders per type and allowing prioritizing remedial measures depending on occurrence, critical level and functionality. You can rely on our professionals whilst you can focus on your core process.
- Condition measurement
- Structural audit (transactional)
- Bid support
- Periodic inspections of condition
- Maintenance program analysis
- Support in establishing a maintenance plan
- Establishment action plan
- Costing
- Project Management support
- Life cycle analysis
Construction quality management
Black box calculations, constraints on budgets and timing, increased involvement of subcontractors, need for efficient coordination and communication, increased complexity… These factors are all potential threats to the quality of a project with overspending on average 10 to 15% of the initial budget.
At SECO, we can provide a high level of technical expertise and knowledge of the industry thanks to our partnerships with many stakeholders on a variety of projects, starting in the concept phase over design and execution to handover and beyond. Our track record consists in risk normalisation through technical control and knowledge of building products and processes, even qualification of project organisations and people.
- Product certification
- Certification of people and processes
- Quality audit of the design process
- Support of contractors in establishing quality assurance plans
- Audit of contractors’ operations
- Worldwide inspections of manufacturing units
- Quality audit of subcontractors
- Setup of risk driven control schemes
Health, safety and environment
People count! This is why we want to contribute to comfortable and safe working and living conditions for current and future generations. Here past and future meet. Our mission is to contain damage from the past and to support the establishment of optimum environmental conditions for the future.
- Environmental audit
- Safety coordination (concept, design and execution phases)
- Safety inspections
- Evaluation of accessibility
- Check of asbestos inventory
- Evaluation of procedures guiding asbestos cleaning operations
- Follow-up of asbestos cleaning operations
- “Asbestos free” and “asbestos safe” certification
- Assessment of impact of building materials
Regulated body (organisme agréé) for ITM, SNSFP, AEV (Luxemburg)
In health and safety matters, SECOLUX goes beyond the norm and consider all possible scenarios. The watchword of our regulated body experts, chartered by the Luxembourgish Inspectorate of Labor and Mines (Inspection du Travail et des Mines ITM), the Luxembourgish National Security Service for the Public Service (Service National de la Sécurité dans la Fonction Publique SNSFP) and the Luxembourgish Environment Agency (Administration de l’Environnement AEV), is to allow for all risks and for the good of all.
SECOLUX is an independent inspection body certified by the Luxembourg Bureau for Accreditation and Surveillance (Office Luxembourgeois d’Accréditation et de Surveillance OLAS), based on the ISO / IEC 17020 standard for the inspection of compliance with authorizations of classified establishments. All inspections are executed, from the design stage until the commissioning, and in the following categories:
- The general safety of persons and fire safety
- The safety measures of construction and demolition sites
- Electrical installations, lifts and hoists
- Scaffolding and ladders
- Asbestos
- Pressure Equipment
- Machinery and protective equipment
- Hazardous fluids
SECOLUX verifies the compliance of buildings and its facilities against the authorization decree and after prior approval of the monitoring plan produced by the Luxembourgish Environment Agency. SECOLUX is licensed by AEV in the following fields:
- F111 – Facility receptions of the artisanal sector including the field of expertise F121 (oil tanks and pipelines)
- F13 – Facility receptions of the building sector
The spirit to understand the gist, prevent hazards and to notify knowingly, are skills that our clients do find with Secolux.
TIS (Netherlands)
Seconed is a Technical Inspection Service (T.I.S.) that conducts independent assessments of the technical construction quality of structures, including the inspections regarding compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
In the TIS concept, SECONED performs inspections beginning in the design phase up to and including completion. At the end of the inspection process, SECONED issues a declaration regarding the construction quality. Among other things, this declaration can be used to demonstrate to the following parties that the requested/required construction quality was achieved:
- Commissioning party of the project
- T.A. or a financial institution
- Future owners
- Insurers (Contractors’ All Risk Insurance, Hidden Defect Insurance, Warranty Insurance)
- Municipal Building Department
- SPC validation in PPS projects
- Other parties concerned
The standard assessment framework for a TIS assignment looks at whether the design and the completed structure are in compliance with the Buildings Decree. The commissioning party of the TIS can also elect to request individual scopes or add other assessment frameworks. The figure below illustrates the relationship between the standard assessment framework and the individual scopes.
Instead of, or in addition to, the Buildings Decree, other assessment frameworks can be used, such as the requirements from output specification, or a set of standards, guidelines and/or statutory frameworks.
This allows assessment in the following scopes:
- Health and safety
- Comfort requirements (acoustics, heating, air quality, air/water tightness, visual appearance)
- Flexibility
- Integrated Accessibility
- Sustainability
- Energy Performance
- General Performance
- Auxiliary Structures
- Impact on the surroundings